A few weeks ago, some house finches started flying around under our patio cover. It soon became evident they were building a nest in there. I thought it was a bad idea, because rather than putting the nest in the structural support, they built it on top of some folds of fabric on the sides. A few brisk breezes and the nest would be history.
I thought about scaring them off to save them the trouble, but then I decided that birds build nests in seemingly precarious places all the time and do just fine. So I figured they must know what they're doing.
Over the past couple days I hadn't noticed the birds around, and the nest had shifted to the point that it was close to falling down. The birds had abandoned the nest.
It struck me as very sad that they had spent all this time and effort building a new home, getting ready to move in, only to have their plans thwarted.
Then I noticed the parallels and got even more depressed about it. Apparently we attract other species who also aren't very good at planning for this sort of thing.
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