We never really believed it would all go that smoothly, though, and we were right.
Much of yesterday afternoon was spent with me on the laptop in the car, begging the MiFi to work just a little better as I frantically tried to access our bank accounts to transfer money over so we could wire our deposit to the dealership. We could have gone into a branch, of course, except that the closest one was seven hours away.
After much strategizing and briefly stealing wifi from a Holiday Inn Express in Middle-of-Nowhere, Texas, we did get the deposit taken care of.
Then this morning we got a call from the dealer saying that they didn't think they could issue our title in Texas if we had a California address. No problem: We gave them our Texas address, which we obtained a week ago. All's well.
Except that they can't confirm that address without a driver's license showing that address. So now, instead of waiting until we got the trailer to register everything and establish our residency, we have to rush to the little town where our address is to pick up proof, then go have the Canyonero inspected and registered, and get our driver's licenses.
What was supposed to be our shortest travel day is quickly turning into one of the longest, and certainly the most complicated.
We're letting the kids burn off some steam at a McDonals'd play area right now, then we're heading out to become Texans.
In the meantime, enjoy these random photos from our trip that I haven't had a chance to publish until now.
Anna getting ready for the trip
A coffee truck. (Not really, but we could have used one at the time.)
The family with a giant roadrunner made out of trash.
Hopefully the rest of your trip goes smoother!! As a Texan, I have to say it's pretty great to BE a Texan (only it's not always the most fun thing to actually LIVE in Texas)!! :-D