Once we bought the new trailer, we were itching to take it out, especially with summer (and all of its heat and crowds) fast approaching.
So a week later, we found ourselves on our first trip.
Before I go into details, though, I want to announce that the Airstream officially has its name: Jupiter Too.
See, we somehow got Elias turned on to the old campy show "Lost in Space." The family lived on a spaceship called the Jupiter 2, and I thought that since the Airstream has a space-age, retro look to it, we could play off of that. I suggested Jupiter 3, but when Steve suggested Jupiter Too, I knew we had a winner.
But back to the trip.
Since we didn't have much time to prepare, we kept it local, going to a nearby state beach. There were no hookups, so we had to be careful about battery and water usage. We wound up using the showers at the campground, in part because of our limited water supply (and whopping six-gallon water heater) and in part because we discovered the trailer didn't come with a shower head.
The kids enjoyed the beach. Well--Elias enjoyed the beach. Anna seemed perplexed by the whole thing. She refused to sit in the sand and it took her a long time to even play in it.
At first I thought she had inherited my aversion to sand, but then I realized it was my aversion to sand that had kept her from ever experiencing a sandbox (yes, I'm a terrible mom), and therefore she had no idea what the stuff was.
Elias, on the other hand, had no such issues.
So while Elias rolled in the surf Anna found happiness lounging in a chair, and I can't say I blame her.
We grilled hot dogs and made s'mores. Elias befriended every kid in the park. We gathered 'round the table and played games by the glow of some really bitchin' overhead LED lights. It was a lot of fun, despite the freight trains that roared by several times a night.
We enjoyed it so much that we have two more trips planned (to different campgrounds) over the next few weeks. We're even hoping to squeeze in a few trips over the summer, and Steve is already planning how soon we can get out there once the new baby is born.
Before I go, one parting photo of my kidlets, snug in their jammies looking out into the wilderness. (Well, not quite wilderness, but some grass at least.)
I'm so jealous. I always had dreams of getting an Airstream and a dog and just traveling around by myself seeing stuff. Then I met the Mister and birthed a crustacean. Sigh. I'll live vicariously through you! Seriously though, that thing is fucking awesome.
ReplyDeletesand aversion! one more point where we agree.
ReplyDeleteAlicia- You can still travel around with the Mister and the Shrimp. In fact, it's better that way because you can make the Mister do the gross stuff like flushing the sewer line.
ReplyDeleteValarie- See, I'm tellin ya, we have to get together. I'm trying to talk Steve into a trip to Colorado next summer.