Thursday, July 29, 2010

For the world to see

Believe it or not, I'm a very private person. I know, I know: I have a blog. A blog on which I have posted about my belly flab twice in one week.

But truly, I'm selective about what I share with people.

That's why things like this story from my local newspaper horrify me.

A semi hit a trailer/pick-up on the shoulder of a freeway today. That's awful enough, of course (thankfully it sounds like only minor injuries), and things like this are why I'm so passionate about vehicle/passenger safety.

But what makes it more terrible is that the entire contents of that trailer wound up spread all over a freeway. That sucks if you're vacationing, but it sucks if that's your home.

I have wondered about that. What if our fifth wheel is destroyed on the road? Everything would just be hanging out there for everyone to see. Not that I really have anything to hide. But it breaks my heart to think of my kids' stuffed animals lying in a ditch or family photos fluttering down the highway without us.

I suppose it's not much different than the risk anyone takes in having their home uprooted by a tornado...although we'll be subject to that, too, now that I think about it.



This is an excellent example of why I prefer a fifth wheel/trailer and pickup combo to a motorhome. That trailer is DESTROYED. The truck? Yeah, that's totalled, too, but if you look through the photo gallery you'll see that it was the bed that took the brunt of the crash. The driver suffered minor injuries (it doesn't sound like anyone else was in the truck). I'd hate to think of what would have happened had that been a motorhome instead.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my that is awful! I never knew that would happen with those types of rigs. Ugg!

    Prayers that you never have to deal with anything like that.
