Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chips, Salsa, Water!

For many years, some friends and I would make an annual pilgrimage to Phoenix each spring (and sometimes in the fall and summer, too). The trips were officially about baseball, but unofficially they were about Manuel's, the best Mexican restaurant ever.

Manuel's was always our first stop when we got in, and our last stop before heading out. We ate there nearly every day of our vacation, and sometimes twice a day.

Their chips and salsa are ridiculously good. (The water is just regular water, but the refill people wore shirts that said "Chips, Salsa, Water" on them, hence the title of this post.)

When we started planning our trip to Texas/Ohio, I knew we had to go through Phoenix. I haven't been there in about four years, and that's too long to go without Manuel's. (Plus I need to stop in and buy a car seat from a friend there, and also see her brand new baby. Hi, Shrimp!)

So I was thrilled yesterday when I saw that Manuel's is selling gift cards for half-off through their website. I immediately ordered a $100 card for $50. 

There's no way we'll use that all on our upcoming trip. We'll be in Phoenix for a max of 24 hours, and it's not an expensive place (plus kids eat for $1.99 through August!). But I'm supposed to be back in Phoenix for a conference in March, so I can use it then, too. And if there's still some left over? Well, I guess we'll just have to go back.

My mouth is watering...


  1. As one of the aforementioned "friends" let me just say that I'm incredibly jealous. You could have at least 6 bowls of chips 'n' salsa in that 24 hour period :)

  2. Oh, please. We've downed more than that in one sitting.

  3. Oh man, now I want Manuels and it's all your fault! Eat some chips and salsa for me!

  4. Man, now I'm jealous.

    Send some to IL?

  5. I know I'm late to the game and have eaten at Manuels only once, but if you go to Phoenix, skip Manuels and eat at Carolinas. Really. Honestly. Truly. You'll make trips back just to eat there.
