As promised, here is our very special Christmas decoration for this year. If we can't go camping, at least Santa can. (Sorry for the horrible photo and glaring sun.) See the cup in the chair? In-N-Out.
In other, somewhat related news (like, related to why we can't go camping), we still don't have our licenses. I called DMV yesterday and the automated system said it can take up to six weeks to process a license.
I figured the person who told us 2-3 weeks was full of it until I opened the paper today and saw the headline, "Drivers aren't getting licenses." Apparently due to a new license design, a new computer system, and general inefficiency, it has been taking longer and longer to process licenses--possibly as long as three months. At least we're not the only ones.
DMV recommends going to get a temporary license if your other one expires before the permanent one arrives. Awesome idea. There's no way I (or anyone else) should have to PAY for another one, though. Nor should people have to take time out of their lives to go to a DMV office to correct the state's problem. But whatever.
Our temps expire on January 1, so it looks like we're unlikely to have licenses before then. I still have my Texas license, so maybe I won't worry about getting another temporary. Steve's out of luck, though.
And, as usual, we'll probably stupidly go do the right thing, which WILL mean taking time out of our lives to get another temporary, and we'll probably have to pay for it, too.
Merry Christmas, DMV.
I went through the same thing in Texas. I was sent a letter with instructions (followed them to the letter) and a pitch to not go to the DMV, but to do it on line and save the trip. After a reasonable amount of time and no response I called a Mensa Candidate at the DMV and was told it would take longer (I like when they say; "It should have said 6 to 8 weeks not 4 as it had in the letter). After calling 6 to 8 weeks later and being transferred three times I finally got a lady who said their machine went down and the part to fix it was due in and that is what was causing the delay. I love government....we need more of it.