Friday, December 3, 2010

A Not-Much-of-an-Update

Remember how I said I was going to update more often than every two weeks? Sorry about that.

There's not much new to report.

Back on November 3, when we went through the new/old license issue at the DMV, we were told that we would receive our licenses in the mail in two-to-three weeks. It has now been exactly 30 days, which, for anyone not great at math, is more than two-to-three weeks.

I have considered calling to check on the status, but I would rather pour tomato juice over fresh paper cuts than call the DMV. Plus they probably wouldn't have an answer for me anyway, plus I worry that the operator I talk to will somehow sabotage the whole thing just because s/he can.

So we continue to wait. Our temporary licenses do expire sometime in January, though, so hopefully this doesn't go on too much longer.

Of course, without his real license in hand, Steve can't take the Non-Commercial Class A written test (again), at least according to the people from the Santa Ana office who might or might not be correct about that.

So Homer still sits languishing on his own. Lonely. Cold.

Meanwhile, we're still figuring out what the hell to do with our lives.

Thanksgiving went very well thanks in large part to the Pyrex casserole dish set I found at Costco for $30 and the double set of pie plates I found at Target for $10.

Oh, and published another one of my posts today. This one is about the CPSC's new database and whether it will solve problems or create more.

In other news, our holiday lights are up! That includes the super-special decoration we bought for this year! I got a photo of it the other day, but the light was awful, so I'll try to get another one tomorrow. Stay tuned!

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