Monday, August 30, 2010

Meet Homer

It's official: We're here for another night. The closest parts are, ironically, in California and Akron, Ohio. Camping World was kind enough to let us spend the night in their parking lot, but with two little kids and no hookups, we figured extending the hotel stay would be the more comfortable (though also more expensive) choice.

In the meantime, let me introduce you to Homer:


I haven't met him in person yet, but Steve sent me the photo.

Why Homer? The reasons are threefold:

1. It's our new

2. It's big and bulky, like Homer Simpson, and we seem to have a Simpsons theme going. I call our truck the Canyonero, after a vehicle on the Simpsons. Our truck's trim package is called Laramie, which is the cigarette of choice among Springfieldians. It all ties together.

3. Homer wrote the Odyssey, and we're undertaking our own Odyssey (presuming we ever get out of Texas). We also traded in our Odyssey to buy the truck, so it call comes full-circle.

I had hoped to post photos of the inside, too, but that will obviously have to wait a little longer.

Our current plan is to go to lunch, then head up to get Homer registered. Ideally, the part we need will arrive at 8 a.m. tomorrow, and should only take an hour to install. Then we'll be on the road tomorrow morning. We hope. Really.


  1. yay! congrats on your new home.

    but, oh my. that thing is a beast. can't wait to see the inside.

  2. Wow, that baby is huge! I agree with Valarie - can't wait to see pics of the inside.

  3. Yeah for Homer!! Looking forward to seeing the inside!!

    Cindy and Walker

  4. Congratulations on your new home!!

    I just drove from NJ to Florida and I think I saw something like that on the road. I remember the distinctive 2 windows in the rear.

    I hope everything goes off tomorrow with a hitch (because you can't go without one Ha ha!)

    Good luck!

  5. Love it. We have ours now too..wish we were leaving as soon as you guys though.

  6. Congrats on it arriving and all. Hopefully everything will get finished up smoothly now and you won't have any more snags!! It does look quite huge!! I too am looking forward to pics of the that is one of the trailers we are thinking about ourselves (for that seemingly far off day in the future when we too can set out on the road)!!
